A beautiful kitchen with a Crestron lighting system.

Embrace Wellness This Year with a Crestron Tunable Lighting System

Improve Your Health by Improving Your Home’s Lighting

Have you ever felt less energized on gloomy days and bursting with energy when the sun is shining bright? That’s because human bodies are programmed to respond to the light in our environment. People have natural internal clocks called a circadian rhythms, which are in tune with the movement of the sun. That’s why we feel more awake during the day and tired at night.

There are numerous health benefits to aligning your schedule with your natural circadian rhythm, but spending time indoors where the light is unchanging can mess it up. A tunable lighting system can help you return to your natural rhythm, which improves every area of your life. Check out how a Crestron lighting system improves your daily life in your Scottsdale, AZ, home.